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Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  dspegel1 Sob 11 Jul - 7:40

Prosim za nasvet, oziroma diagnozo nevade. V levem cilindru ima neprijeten zvok (droben žvenket oziroma cinglanje). Vem da motor gre v septembru na servis, zanima pa me, če nekdo lahko pove kaj in kako huda je zadeva.


Število prispevkov : 27
Join date : 25/06/2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  Zupi Sob 11 Jul - 20:59

Za začetek bi morda pogledal, če so ventili nastavljeni.
LP Zupi

Število prispevkov : 1310
Join date : 26/11/2009
Kraj : Komenda

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  dspegel1 Sob 11 Jul - 21:47

Ali mi prosim poveš kakšne so nastavitve. Mislim, nisem pa 100%, da sem na youtubu videl posnetek, če pa slučajno veš mi prosim sporoči.
Sem vedel da si pol znanja in nasvetov.
Res ti hvala in upam da se kdaj srečamo
Lp David


Število prispevkov : 27
Join date : 25/06/2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  Zupi Ned 12 Jul - 6:41

Tole je napisal Greg Bender:

Valve stretch

You may have heard horror stories about valve failure in the small blocks. I'll deal with that a bit later in the 4-valve section but basically the 2 valve models can suffer from valve stretch. If the valves and spring tensions haven't been set up right or wear on the valve seats has allowed hot gases to escape and cause a hot spot on the stems then the valves are on limited tenure. This isn't an acute problem. I've heard of figures of 60,000 km - 80,000 km on a set of valves but I do know of one Monza that got 195,000 km on a single set of valves. Many other makes of bikes don't even get close to this mileage. From 1991 the double set of springs on the Nevada was replaced by a single outer progressive spring. As this spring is the same size as the earlier outer spring it is a recommended fix for all earlier models also but, like the 4 valve models, there isn't total agreement on this either.

Initially the valve gaps recommended for the small blocks were 0.1 mm inlet and 0.15 mm exhaust but both of these were later increased by 0.05 mm to 0.15 mm inlet and 0.2 mm exhaust. Valve gaps (rocker clearances) are there to allow for heat expansion so that when the engine is hot the valves can still shut fully. It can therefore be guessed that this increase in valve gap was introduced to stop any potential flow of hot gases over the stem thus increasing the service life.

The 2 valve bikes generally give lots of notice that the valves are stretching. The valve gaps start to close between service intervals indicating that the stems are stretching. These should be set and checked on a cold engine at TDC on the compression stroke.
No, zdaj pa ključe v ne pozabi na tesnilki....

Število prispevkov : 1310
Join date : 26/11/2009
Kraj : Komenda

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  dspegel1 Ned 12 Jul - 7:05

Hvala, tole je vredno branja. Je, kar je, špijune nabavt pa mal pošraufat.
Lep konec vikenda.


Število prispevkov : 27
Join date : 25/06/2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  dspegel1 Sre 22 Jul - 12:12

Evo, materijal je prspel in upam da bo leteči servis uspel (olja, filtri, svečke in nastavitev ventilov). Za kaj več pa bomo upam zdržal do septembra.

Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 20200719


Število prispevkov : 27
Join date : 25/06/2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  Zupi Sre 22 Jul - 15:47

Evo, pa smo zmagal..

Število prispevkov : 1310
Join date : 26/11/2009
Kraj : Komenda

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

Objavlja  dspegel1 Sre 22 Jul - 16:22

Zupi, nč ni zagarantirano. Mislim da oljnega filtra in olja ne bom menjal, ker sumim, da mi en drsni ležaj malo prepeva ( ojnica-bat ali dvodelni na gredi). Sicer bom pa videl, ko bom in če bom, uspel ventile nastavit. Po vrst in sproti, si bom vzel čas.


Število prispevkov : 27
Join date : 25/06/2020

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Nevada 750  nasvet 11.7 2020 Empty Re: Nevada 750 nasvet 11.7 2020

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