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rdeči in rumeni motorji so hitrejši

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 rdeči in rumeni motorji so hitrejši Empty rdeči in rumeni motorji so hitrejši

Objavlja  Zupi Pet 21 Apr - 22:47

Zakaj je tako in so rdeče Quote hitrejše od napr. črnih, kar je sedaj največji štos na ameriškem Quota forumu, razloži moj prijatelj Alfred takole:25 years ago the California Highway patrol did not have radar guns, instead the cop would estimate your speed (even if he came towards you) and that was enough to get you a ticket! There were lots of discussions about whether certain types of vehicles or colors could make a difference in how fast the cop would estimate you were going.

One of the car magazines ran a test using actual cops and many different types of cars and colors. Almost without fail, the cop would judge any bright red (or bright yellow) vehicle to be going about 5 MPH faster than any other color vehicle, so yes red is faster :-)
Zupi PS torej Guzziji naj bi bili rdeči, če se le da.

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